
Schools remote learning licence


Allows schools to transmit pdfs to up to 200 students for remote learning.

Only available for delivery to schoools/institutions purchasing a schools postcards package.


Normally, the schools package only permits in-school display of our copyright materials. This remote learning licence allows you to transmit the pdf versions of PostcardsFromSpace electronically to students registered with your school in order for them to view remotely. View only – the pdfs may not be downloaded by students.

For schools ordering any full package including the remote use licence, a three-hour Author Workshop is included.

The licence is limited to 200 students. If you wish to use with more than 200 students, please contact us for details of how to obtain a larger licence.

Note that this licence is only being offered for the text of the postcards – the images are the copyright of those people and organisations credited on each card and in general they are free to use as long as you tell your students the appropriate image credits.