Author: miles

What is Art?

No one can really say what art is. Many people have tried to explain it. One dictionary says: ‘Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture,…

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Tanno and Iguda have been shrunk down in their minisub called the Microwidget. They’re using it to travel inside the body of their friend Professor Wendy and find out why she’s feeling ill. The Microwidget is small enough that they…

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After Tanno and Iguda were swallowed, they travelled down a tube called the oesophagus that joins the back of the throat with the stomach, where digestion of food continues. The stomach walls contain muscle which, when it contracts, churns the…

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Tanno and Iguda are travelling around Professor Wendy’s body in her bloodstream. The blood is being pumped through the blood vessels by a large muscular organ called the heart. All heart diagrams are drawn as if you are looking at…

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The lungs are the major organs responsible for getting oxygen into the blood and removing carbon dioxide as a person breathes. Breathing is the movement of gases into and out from the lungs, and is also called ‘ventilation’. Breathing in…

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